Thursday, September 02, 2004

Sucky Day~~

Yucks! Today's a sucky day for me. Why do i always have to end the day badly? Argh~!!

Played badly during training today. =' ( When i reached there and juz started to put my things down, Stan wanted me to play against Wei Lin (she looks a little like Jamie Yeo~). Told us we had 5 mins to warm up. I was like what the?! I usually take 1/2 an hr to get my muscles warmed up lor. Nvm. Didn't warm up enough, played badly. 4 - 1 down. In addition, i think Kallang Tennis Centre juz changed the lightings. WAH!! DAMN BRIGHT! BLINDED me. Couldn't see the balls coming properly, which = played like shit. Well, at least i'm not the only one who complained abt the lightings. The other teammates also commented on the blinding lights. So this = NOT ENTIRELY MY FAULT! Haha~. But still, i realised that i've always been playing with my father and bro, so their balls come damn fast and hard (Which i like and got used to the speed). Then, i started playing with the girls. Their balls quite slow and always end up before the midline, then obviously i hit back, hard. Woooo~~....the ball went flying to the moon~! DAMN~..I really MUZ get used to playing these kind of slow balls before Monday. Shit~! So little time to get mentally prepared too! Then played doubles with Kerri, Sylvia and Rita. We were juz trying how the pairing will work out. It kind of sux though. Haha~. Wonder what will happen on Mon.

School was not that bad. Didn't really have class on today. Becuz of the Biotech Fair. There's 2 talks. The morning one was especially boring. Gave out prizes for the contestants which compromised of mostly pri, sec and jc students. Man~...they don't give face lor. Like 70% of the contestants didn't turn up to receive their prizes. Then the guest of honour was like so embarrassed. Channel 8, channel newsasia and channel U turned up too... I hope i didn't appear on the news!! Ahhh~! The afternoon talk was slightly more interesting. Cuz it's a debate session where the creator of Dolly the clone sheep was there to support cloning. And of cuz there was the oppsition team where it compromised of this ang moh guy and the ex principal of RGS. Each team had 3 ppl. Their debate was interesting i guess, i was too tired to listen. Fell asleep halfway. -_-Zzzz. Can't be blamed. Too tired. But i woke up when they started making cutural jokes. Cuz the dolly creator is from scotland, then this ang moh guy was critisizing his ans by saying he can't blame the creator for thinking this way, cuz he's from a country where men wear skirts. Haha~. Then, the atmosphere started to lighten up. Then there was a questionaire segment. Wah piang~! Only Sec sch and JC BOYS asked questions, where were the girls?! I guess they were all sleeping or juz plain shy. But these BOYS were damn attention seeking lor!!! Argh~. Just the mere thought of them wanna make me puke. I think they juz made a fool out of themselves and became a 'celebrity' overnight. Or 'overafternoon', for that matter. Please! It's a Question and Answer segment. Not an air your view segment. I TRY TO LIVE MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST! Haha~. You, these virtual busibodies won't get the joke unless u went to the talk.

Then went for UWAA class to attend the 'Library Amazing Race'. Sux lor! I mean, the whole damn thing was useless to me. What learn how to find resources, periodicals and what nots in the library. I can't believe it's gonna be graded. Crazy.

Then proceeded for tennis training. Took bus with Zester. Talked a little abt the games we played. We agreed we played badly, with him losing to David, and me to Wei Lin. Come on, Girl!!!! You played the ex TJC captain and won! What's Wei Lin man!!?!?!?! ARGH~!! *hUmpf*
Not satisfied!! I will continue to train hard and show you guys man~~~!!!

Came home. Can't believe my mother actually suggested to my father to come watch me played at NUS on mon! WHAT THE~! I was like...SIAO ar?! Haha~. Although i came in runner up in one of the tournaments held at NSSR, it doesn't mean i'm prepared mentally for the IVP. Haiz. Why don't they understand!? I'm extremely terrified at the thought of the competition. Everybody expects me to do well. Argh~...Die. I'm sorry, but i may have to disappoint u guys. Though, i'm trying to psycho myself that I CAN PLAY WELL ON MONDAY!!!!!



I'm tired. But i dun feel like sleeping.

Hope tomolo will be a better day~. Gonna go back to school take 'O' level cert and see my friends again~! I hope they are all well. Gonna have a movie marathon with Celeste and Yvonne~! It's gonna be a girls night! Wee~~!!

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

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