Saturday, September 27, 2008

what's LOVE?

So... What's love? How do you know you're in love? How do you know that you love someone? How do you know you're falling in love?

So you base love on what the drama/movies/books show/describe? Or do you base it on what your friends (whom you 'presumed' had fallen in love before) described/showed? Or maybe you base it on what you see your parents had...

So...who defined the term love? And how does that person know that it is love he/she is feeling? How did that someone know that it's actually love?

Is it based on what you feel? So how come there is never two people in the world who feels the same way about love when it is suppose to mean the same for everyone? Everyone describes love differently, even though they may be in the same relationship.


Just curious.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Saturday, September 06, 2008

3 in a day...

This blog is collecting dust. Been busy like a bumblebee the last 2 to 3 weeks. What have i been busy with:

  1. 1600 word critical review
  2. Proposal Seminar Presentation
  3. 4000 word Proposal
  4. Seminars
  5. Admin (getting access into labs, buildings, order chemicals)
  6. Experiments (Protocol, planning)
  7. etcetc

All that happened within 2 weeks. Ha... Beginning to feel honours life = 'no social life'

But hey! I'm enjoying all that... I love my work... Heeee..= )

It seems like i finally found time to blog. But noo.... i'm incubating my rat's brain in fixative for 4 hours. Thus, the free time. Yesterday, it was the first time i came to school at 6am (yea, i woke up at 5am). When was the last time i woke up at 5am for school?! Well, never. Anyway, stayed in school till 9pm and went home after that. Came to school today again at 6.30am to set up my experiments and yea, just killed 2 rats in a row and am going to kill another 1 later. 3 rats died in my hands today. Can't take it. I think i need to go vegetarian for 3 months... *cross fingers... Hope my experiments go well next week...

OH! Forgot to take photos... But i don't think i have that many hands to do that.. I'm not a octopus.. As i have to get the brain out as soon as possible (~5-6mins max) - the skull is damn tough, i tell you... I doubt i can take photos to show you guys what i'm doing...

Anyway, been out and around, to story bridge (yes, again, i know.. but it's a beautiful place!). Brought the guys around... So yea.. Check out the updated photos in out and about...

Ta.. always missing u.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Tribute

To the special you...

Thank you for your understanding, patience and love.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo