Sunday, December 27, 2009

Well, it recently dawned on me that I may have lost my best friend.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm famous

wahaaha.... I'm famous!... In OZ that is.... still relatively unknown in sg...

Go google and type: ei leen leong liz butt...

So many articles.. some even translated in chinese...

And apparantly, i'm a PhD student too.. lol...

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Thursday, August 20, 2009

At crossroads

what should i pursue?

Have i lost my direction?

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


very disappointed.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


up⋅root [uhp-root, -root] ----

to displace, as from a home or country; tear away, as from customs or a way of life

Leaving things behind.

Only left with memories.

There can never be beginnings when there are no ends.

Things will always come to an end. Someday.

Only memories.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Leah

Baby Leah McPherson Chye Jin (Born May 22nd, 2009)

Introducing my gorgeous cousin and beautiful niece (so tempting to get a caucasian husband!)
2nd Aunt with Baby Leah
I'm getting old. I've proceeded to the next stage of life where my cousins (same generation!) are becoming parents! Gosh... that means... i'm almost next in lineeeee...
xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Go away. I don't want this


I don't want you to care for me like this. I feel suffocated. GO AWAY!



Don't think that you know what is best for me. I don't like it when you care for me like this. I HATE IT. PLEASE KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thank you Lord

Let me start with a word of prayer.

Thank you Lord, for you have provided much strength and wisdom to me for the last 3 months, that i'm able to complete my thesis and experiments in time. Thank you for blessing me with great friends (Robz, Alicia, Jess, Liz, Jereme, Erica, Curtis, Nick, Boi, Glenn, Simon, Aaron, Pearlyn, Wayne, Derek, Ria and many more) who have supported me, giving me encouragements, prepared my meals.. Thank you Lord, that you have blessed me with them, that i may complete my honours year smoothly. In Jesus' name, i pray. Amen.

Gosh...! I finally submitted my thesis. It only dawned unto me 5 hours after i submitted my thesis at the office before i felt any relief. I think my stress hormones were at an all time high that i needed that long to finally realised i'm almost done. I'm left with my presentation on 28th May and i'll be done with my honours. Can't wait, but i seriously dread the Q and A.

Honours year has been a great learning experience. I really needed to dig up all my passion and desires for the love of research to drive and spur me to go through this honours project. And i did have fun! Of course, that is with the help of my labmates and supervisor who never fail to accompany me when i'm doing experiments and with the much-dreaded writing of thesis. I still love research... It's great to discover God's work. = ) To me.. Science and religion work in parallel. They just speak in a different language. It's so amazing to discover the works of God.

Oh... And i really want to apologise to those around me who have seen my grouchiness when i'm super tired. I'm really sorry if i have neglected to care for you guys when you people were having assignments due and exams to sit for, and i forgot or i didn't give you much encouragemments to go on. I apologise if i seemed to have gone into my own research world and forgot about you guys. And i also apologise for my behaviour if i have been really eccentric and don't seem to care about you guys when i was really busy with my work. Especially to kare, who had to endure my 'crap' for the past.... 3 months. (I love you, thank you for being so patient and understanding) I apologise once again and thank you all, for being so patient and understanding with me. You know who you are.

It's funny how your mind is able to control the body. I know i was going to fall sick somehow, some day. And i knew that my immune system was really low last week. But, i forced myself to think that i am well, drank tons of water and spurred myself to go on until i submit my thesis. I didn't fall ill, but i could feel my body was weak. Now that i've weathered the storm, and i'm 'allowed' to fall sick, the next thing i knew... Why are my eyes, lips and neck radiating heat?? ARGH! Fever.

Another good example of how strong the mind is, over the flesh. This was reported in the science world (i don't think it's published in the news though, because it might cause too much controversy). There was a man who was diagnosed with lung cancer and the doctor told him he had only 6 months to live. 6 months later, the man died. But when the coroner did an autopsy on the man, he did not die of lung cancer, nor any cancer of sorts. See how strong the mind is? This was told by my supervisor as our lab is researching on the effects of stress. Stress can do harm to the body in many ways... may it be psychologically or physically. He reckons the patient died of stress, as well as being depressed due to the bad news. It's a wonder how strong the mind can be.

Now that honours is almost over, i still have other things to stress. What now???.. After my honours year... Another major decision to make. Another stage of life to proceed.... decisions....why can't someone just decide for me?

Dear Lord, I pray that you'll give me much-needed wisdom to make these important decisions.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Getting to know myself.

Got this quiz from boi...

Yeayea, i know.. the comments in quizzes are usually quite general, plus the questions they ask are quite stupid at times...

But seriously. EVERY single comment was true for me... that's why i decided to post it.

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

I believe kare will agree with me.


xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Important life lesson

Don't be too stubborn, it's for my own good.

Got it.

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pictures speaks more..

Sorry, i apologise for not updating for more than a month! I've been really busy with treating my rats and writing my thesis. Plus, my lab is moving, so we had to do up the lab DIY way simply because the school (or more specifically, the head of school) doesn't want to pay for the contractors to come do it for us. So, we've been painting, putting up whiteboards, organising equipments etcetc for the past 2 weeks.

Anyway, i'll let the pictures do the talking. People do like/prefer to see pictures rather than words anyway.

Here goes: I practically have cravings for cinnamon toast everyday since i was back to brissy 2 weeks ago. As Cafe Nano sells the best cinnamon toast (that's what i've heard and tried) and i walk past Cafe Nano everyday because it is situated right outside the entrance of AIBN, where the animal house is located. To resist any temptations, i would walk pass Cafe Nano REALLY QUICKLY so that i won't have to stop and smell the delicious aroma of toasted bread. One good thing is that Cafe Nano always have long queues. That usually puts me off! = D

But i decided to have a mini cinnamon toast competition where my friend had informed me that genies (over at IMB) also sells pretty good cinnamon toast. So, to get a bigger bang out of my 3 bucks, a mini cinnamon toast competition was held. The results: Cafe Nano cinnamon toast beats genies cinnamon toast hands down. They were judged in terms of taste, visual and smell. Heck! A blind test was even carried out! I prefer Cafe Nano's cinnamon toast because it's more aromatic, sweeter, and they don't use salty butter! Plus, Cafe Nano slices the bread in halves for you!
I've had cravings for the hot chocolate over at Coffee and Chocolate for the longest time! And finally, i've got to try the create-your-own-hot-chocolate using Callebaut Dark Chocolate Buttons. It didn't disappoint me at all. = ) I think i had an overdosage of endorphins (happy hormones) and antioxidents for the week. We ordered the Callebaut Hot Chocolate as well to compare. It wasn't as nice to me because i prefer a chocolatey hot chocolate rather than a milky hot chocolate. The create-your-own allows you to choose how much chocolate buttons to add in the egg-shaped hot pot filled with milk, which i kind of overdosed on the chocolate part. So it was kinda like drinking a 70% chocolate bar. It was yummilious! = ) Oh! And it comes with this metal spoon/straw to stir/drink the hot chocolate. But you have to be careful when you drink it, as you might burn your lips, not by the hot chocolate but by the straw! This create-your-own thing is a copied concept from Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar where they also use the same egg shaped hotpot. But i'm not sure what kind of chocolates they use. I have to go back to singapore and try! = ))

And i had a lab breakfast today! It's like the best brekkie i've ever had since i was in brisbane! No kidding! Giti came over from Sydney to visit (yay!) and it spawned Tombles to come over from Canberra as well! Double yay! It was so good to see them! Missed their company! Too bad Giti is going back to Sydney today and Tombles is leaving tomorrow. Anyway, nick made pancakes for brekkie! And Nick makes the BEST pancakes! Mind you, i've tried the pancakes over at pancake manors, and pancake house over at Canberra and they don't even come close! Giti will agree with me! Nick made this really delicious cottage cheese pancakes that was SO ADDICTIVE! I really want to have it again... like NOW... *drools The company was fun, the food was delicious.... I love my lab! = ))

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Purple meets Yellow

Kor and Wendy's Solemnisation

Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa - Glass Pavillion

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eager to be home--

I'm finally losing my patience. I really really can't wait to get home. To be home with my parents, family, friends and not forgetting, in the loving arms of kare. And most importantly, away from WORK!

Yeayea, i know. No matter what i say, i'll probably still end up writing part of my thesis when i'm back in singapore.

I'm done with my poster! Finally! Hopefully, no more crisis (I don't think my heart can take it). I'm heading off to Canberra early monday morning. Nick wants to do the craziest thing - driving from Brissy to Canberra, which will take us 1 1/2 days to get there. But i guess he loves roadtrip, that's why we're taking a drive. A VERY LONG drive, i might add! A total of 15 hours and 23 mins if you're driving straight from brissy to Canberra. I'm guessing we're stopping over in Sydney. He wants all those students who can drive (with valid driving license) to take turns to drive as well. Yea, so i'm probably driving too... Hope pa has bought enough insurance. HAHA = D

11 more days!

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brings a smile to my face

Fancy my dad calling me to give me advice on friendship.

Thanks pa and ma! = ) Love ya both lots...

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Let's see....

Tell me whether i should get angry.

No. 1 - you accused me of lying (pretending that i didn't receive/read the supposed message on msn)

No. 2- you said that i'm not a good enough friend for you because i didn't think of you when i go grocery shopping (i know, what the heck right?!)

No. 3- you demanded a reason for not playing tennis ( i gave you one, but you can't seem to accept it)

No. 4 - This is NOT the first time you're doing this (remember when you kept demanding/bugging me about xmas dinner? And also the time when you wanted to go city and i couldn't make it due to work?)

No. 5 - since you're so suspicious of me (like i think that i don't treasure/take this friendship seriously), why the heck do you even want to continue with this friendship till now?!?! Why are you so suspicious of my every move?!

Why should i even bother rushing to do my work last night and today so that we can go for brekky tomorrow morning!?

Give me 10000000000 good reasons why i should not get angry/pissed!

Having a kare is not even as troublesome as this! And kare is not even here in brissy!

Enough is enough. Too much is too much. Don't push it. When enough is enough, i won't spend anymore of my precious time entertaining you.

You've reached my limits.

I just want to go home. Dammit.


xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The best supervisor one can have...

How sweet and thoughtful is my supervisor? He gave each one if us (the students in the lab including PhD and Honours students) a late xmas pressie. He apologised during our lab party that our pressie will be late.. But the wait was totally worth it! = )
Isn't he the sweetest guy on earth?! The students who deals with rats/mouse have rats/mouse sewn onto the polo t-shirt. And the students who deals with toads have toads sewn onto their shirts. I'm so glad i deal with rats! Haha... It would be hilarious if i have a sewn on toad on my t-shirt.
I'm so glad that nick is my supervisor. Praise God for that.. = )
xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

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