Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dun nag at me anymore.... = )

Okee... Alot... and i emphasis ALOT of people has been nagging me to update me blog..

1. Cuz they thought i had MIA
2. They dunno what i'm doing nowadays

Now i go.... will blabber on for you guys to satisfy whatever cravings you have for me.. HAHA...


The last time i posted was after exams if i'm not wrong. 'Holidays' started but not for the year 2 who were going onto year 3. Started my project at NUS. Currently doing on plants. It's quite simple actually, i think. Just extracting the protease and protease inhibitors, and characterising them into different classes od amino acids. Quite slack. Cuz my supervisor is quite slack on us. Really own time own target. Anytime you wanna go off and go off. So normally Pam and i start our experiments about 10 and we go home at 1 plus. Cool huh? But what's the point of going home early when Robz is still having work.

He damn poor thing... Attached to such a faraway place. Ok. I know S'pore is not very big.. but he's attached to DHL(Exel) which is like at the most eastern part of S'pore, more accurately, the air freight centre. But glad that he got along well with his colleagues. Not forgetting Junwei, who is one of his 'good' friend who is also attached there... who is also my *ahem* ex-crush. Anyway, holidays are ending soon and it's back to school time. Just had my tennis tournament a week ago. Lost. To a SUPER DUPER consistent player. Haiz. Wasted alot alot ALOT of points. Could have attacked much better. Will train up on attacking shots.

HAPPY NEWS TIME!! ROBZ WON DOUBLES!!! YAY!!! = ) So glad for him. He's the champion for men's doubles along with his partner Wilson. Wilson, I promise i'll go book my driving test soon along with Robz. = )

Kare! So proud of you. = ) *muack*

xoxo Ei Leen xoxo

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